San Pedro offers the perfect water to do many marine activities. One of the newest watersports that is creating a big wave on the island is Paddle Boarding.
On a calm day the inside of the reef is perfect to head out and rent a board and go out for some much needed sun and Vitamin Sea!
There are several outfits that will rent you a board for 10-15$ an hour, the rate goes down if you rent it for longer periods. The boards are about 15ft long and 3 feet wide, very light to carry and offer tons of delightful time out in the water.
If you’ve never tried paddle boarding before, you should give a try while on the island. Its a ton of fun, not to mention the fact that it can be a good work out.
Grab a board, they don’t offer much instruction when you rent it out but its relatively easy once you get the hang of it, and go have some fun. I always recommend using a bright life vest so you are highly visible to the boat captains, this will avoid them creating big wakes with their boat and save you from struggling to keep on board without a fall so don’t for get to ask for your life vest before you take off. Always strap on to the board, the board provides an ankle strap, so if you do fall off your board won’t drift too far along. Initially to gain stability might be a challenge, however you can always start sitting down and slowly get to your knees and when you feel more comfortable take your stand.
You can paddle close by the docks or venture a little farther closer to the reef it can be really exciting. While you paddle keep a keen eye below your board. You don’t want to miss the wonderful creation of the underwater world, which you can still enjoy from the top. You can look out for star fish, eagle rays, puffer fish, barracudas and several coral patches. If you’re lucky you might run into a pod of dolphins swimming along.
If you are the adventurous type you can even bring along a mask and get in the water to explore a little deeper. Paddle boarding offers a great work out and endless fun. So grab a friend and a board and go have some fun!